Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


Ciamis district, is a district in West Java Province, Indonesia. Capital is Ciamis City.This district is located in the southeastern part of West Java, with Regency Majalengka and Kuningan District in the north, Kabupaten Cilacap (Central Java) and Kota Banjar in the east, the south Indian Ocean, and the City of Tasikmalaya Regency of Tasikmalaya and in the west. Ciamis district consists of 30 kecamatan, which is divided over a number of villages and villages. The government center in the District of Ciamis. Speed DISTRICT Kecamatan Pangandaran is one of the beach tourism object in West Java. Beach is located in the Village Pananjung, Kecamatan Pangandaran distance with ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis. Some of the specialty of this beach
  1. Can see the sun rise and sinking one of the same place
  2. Sloping beach with crystal clear water and the distance between the
  3. ebb tide and relatively long, making it possible for us to swim safely
  4. There are beaches with white sand carpet
  5. Rescue services are available coast tour
  6. Road environment asphalt roads with adequate lighting
  7. There are gardens to the sea fish and sea life that mesmeric

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009


Babakan is a village in the district of Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. Babakan village is a gateway into the City of Speed Babakan like some others in the village of Pangandaran, has a beach. Beach is located in the Village is Babakan Pangandaran Beach and East Beach Bulasetra or
better known as the sea Cileutik by the residents around. and there are also Cileutik mouth. Babakan village at this time divided into several villages that Hamlet or flat-RW that have 3


Fishermen bagang as in the general lighting Bagang are relying on in search of fish, for it required a lot of the light source, generally using light petromak with fuel oil to average in at least one bagang most 7 liter per day, or depending on the broad bagang.  Petromak more likely to light sideways and not good because in the process of light petromak on air pumping oil, and is quite disturbed by the wind. LED lights for the fishermen do not use at all kerosene, air pump, and capable at least 5 working days, for technical specifications we attach separately after the pilot implementation in the field.


As fishermen in general are associated with bagang Fishermen Village, where temporary on residents rely on some of the results of catch fish in the sea, which one to use bagang. The fishermen live in bagang, can spend a day,and at night the fishermen are taking fish on the light rays from patromak.


Stages of preparation are we to do to model technical model of our products limar to Village Fishermen and Fishermen Bagang, as the work started from the model light. Fishermen limar for projection The process of model is not made for size but from the side have been adapted to the needs.
To model and shape Limar now with different LIMAR as adjusted to the function, which must be double, can be used as a lighting and work to catch the fish, which use the previous patromak, the process of model already, andthe name its LED NELAYAN

LED Kampung Nelayan

After we successfully find electrical simple concept in the form of product (Listrik Mandiri Rakyat) LIMAR at this time we have also successfully conducted the trial system Simple Electricity to houses in some villages behind. From the end of the trial are some examples for model


Problem are several factors which caused the network problems of providing electricity to the community can not provide are as follows :

• Limited network
• The limited ability of the power needed
• Network infrastructure
• Welfare of the population is not evenly
• Topographic factors that complicate the network